A limited number of study carrels (with lockers) on Level 3 can be reserved for one academic year by senior thesis writers. Thesis Carrels are given out on a first-come, first-served basis to current Senior Thesis writers in the beginning of each fall term.

Study carrels without attached lockers may not be reserved, officially or unofficially, by any student.


The Thesis Carrel application for the 2024-2025 academic year will go live on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 7:15 AM. When the application is live, you may click here to apply for a Thesis Carrel.


In addition, there are book lockers on Levels 2 and 3, which are available to any student. Lockers may be reserved for a full academic year, and do not require an application. See our Library & Information Technology staff for available lockers any time throughout the year.


  • You are responsible for securing your materials in your locker when you are not present. Materials cannot be left out on carrels. Any items left outside the locker are subject to disposal by library staff.
  • Library books must be checked out before being placed into your locker.
  • Lockers cannot be used to store Reference books, bound periodicals, current periodicals, or perishable items.
  • No plants may be left on a carrel or inside a locker.
  • No food may be left on a carrel or inside a locker.
  • Library staff reserve the right to open and inspect the contents of all lockers at any time without prior notification.
  • Locker keys are due back at the end of the Spring Term. A $20 fee will be charged to your Student Account for any lost or unreturned keys.
  • The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


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